Products - softening and mixed systems    
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Water softening systems are designed to soften the solid water and in this way to prevent the fur accumulation that damages electrical appliances, boilers, water heaters, heating sections of the washing machines and pipe systems. Water softening systems operates in ion-exchange principle by passing the solid water through high quality ion-exchange resin that keeps the calcium and magnesium ions (the components that defines its solidness) and respectively releases the sodium ions. The resin can be renovated after its exhausting by a solution of NaCl.
Water softening systems regulated by the time of the regulated interrupted cycle with a regeneration time from 15 up 180 minutes.

Water softening systems regulated by the volume of the regulated interrupted cycle with a regeneration time from 15 up 180 minutes.

Automatic softening systems regulated by the volume – duplex of interrupted cycle with automatic renovation.

It is a contemporary technology for instantaneous chemical water treatment by adding some chemical solutions to the water in very precision proportions in order to obtain the desired water characteristics.

Automatic system for additional chlorination
This is an automatic dozing system by microprocessor and sensors, for a obtaining the necessary parameters of Cl in the water, by adding of Na hypo-chloride from a reservoir.

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