Products - boosters    
DEKAMEX boosters provide
automatic operation regime with pressure or impulse control for uninterruptedly feeding with cold water during pressure drops or interruption of the portable water providing;
usual feeding with portable water of high buildings and populated and barred areas;
XY - systems, increasing the water pressure, coming from the main line;
XY - P - system equipped with reservoir, providing a water during the main line water feeding stop;
XY - PÏ - system equipped with reservoir operating under pressure, providing a water during the main line water feeding stop;
water reservoir made of stainless steel AISI 304;
membrane vessel, taking the hydraulic hits of the water and making smoother the pump operation;
collectors made of non joints stainless steel pipes AISI 304;
switch and electronic, impulse or pressure regulation of the pumps and electronic smooth regulation of the pressure;
pressure meter showing the water pressure;
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